Generation Z, Education, and an Empowered Country 2045



Generation Z, Education, and an Empowered Country 2045


Lili-6  The Empowered Country before Indonesia’s Independence was historically achieved by two major kingdoms in the Archipelago (Indonesia). The Sriwijaya Kingdom in 683 – 1178 AD, and the Majapahit Kingdom in 1293 – 1527 AD. Their work has gone global and is recorded in national and international history. What underlies these achievements can be assumed to be the empowerment of human resources and leadership that supports their work. But then both of them receded due to conflict and war.

  In its glory, The Sriwijaya controlled trade on the main route of the Malacca Strait. The Sriwijaya succeeded in maritime, political and economics fields. Its power includes Cambodia, Southern Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and parts of Java.

  While the glory of Majapahit in the economics field, Majapahit became a trading center in Southeast Asia with export commodities of pepper, salt, and cloth. Supported by a formidable navy and military strength and strategy. Majapahit was able to create stability in its territory. His range of power includes: Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, the Nusa Tenggara Islands, Maluku, Papua, Tumasik (Singapore) and parts of the Philippine Islands and also has ties to Campa/Thailand, Cambodia, Siam, southern Burma, Vietnam and China.

If we pay attention to this achievement in a span of almost 700 years. The question is whether in the third 700 years (2045s), Indonesia (the new face of the Archipelago) can become an Empowered Country? Dreaming or Aspiring is a must. But it requires struggle and sacrifice, as well as thinking and behaving for the nation, not for oneself and the group. Generations of Indonesia past and present are responsible for the sustainability of future generations and this country through the preparation of human resources supported by science, technology, and national character. Historical evidence has been inscribed by predecessors. Of course, with a record of interpreting the causes of its collapse, and finding solutions to avoid it, as well as creatively developing new innovations based on science, technology and character.

  After the colonial period, Indonesia was delivered by the founders of this nation through the thoughts of that time (thoughts that were born from the struggle to understand the ideology of colonialism/capitalism, nationalism, socialism, Islamism, marxism), as well as the influence of history, education and the Industrial revolution. the nation and state of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 45 Constitution. Indonesia is the result of thought, taste, initiative, struggle and noble ideals of the predecessors of the founding fathers of Indonesia.

  Indonesia’s 2020 Population Census is inhabited by 270 million people, including young people (Generation Y aged 26 to 40 years 25.87%; Generation Z aged 11 to 25 years 27.94%; and Generation Alpha aged 11 years and under 10.88%) a total of 64.69%. While Generation X aged 41 to 61 years 21.88% in the next 14 years their productivity will decrease, Generation Y will also decline. Generation Z and Generation Alpha as productive population (young age) are potentials in achieving the Demographic Bonus until 2035, as well as Indonesia Excellent 2045.

The problem is how far the three generations; especially Generation Z are able to become the foundation. Of course, by maintaining them as qualified, healthy, productive human resources with integrity. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) states that a country can enjoy a Demographic Bonus when everyone enjoys good health, quality education, decent work, and the independence of young people (productive age) combined with good and appropriate state policies.

  Indonesia’s RK has been declining since the late 1970s and is expected to continue to decline to its lowest point in 2020 – 2035. The decline in RK creates two opportunities for obtaining the Demographic Bonus. First, it can be achieved when there is an increase in per capita income as a result of an increase in the productive age population relative to the non-productive age. Second, it can be achieved after the working age population has accumulated their assets through investment and old-age savings to finance consumption in old age (Diahhadi Setyonaluri, Flora Aninditya, 2020).

Our homework is to optimize the productive resources above, especially since other countries are still confused about finding the intake of the productive young generation. How this hope is realized, and we are actually able to enjoy the Demographic Bonus. One of them is that this great potential should be supported by developing a platform and an ecosystem of good educators that are right in the midst of the Industry 40 era and the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) era. This is what we should understand.  

Potensi kuantiti Generasi Z sesungguhnya membuka peluang. Namun demikian perlu mencermati karakter Gen Z, khususnya sisi-sisi lemah mereka yang harus diperkuat, serta sisi-sisi kuat mereka untuk dikembangkan melalui platform dan ekosistem pendidikan yang memberdayakan mereka. Bisa jadi kita memerlukan paradigma baru pendidikan. Mungkin saja, salah satu jalan terbuka melalui Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar yang bisa dipandang sebagai terobosan dalam mempercepat transformasi pendidikan. Merdeka Belajar juga merupakan filosofi yang mendasari proses sekaligus tujuan jangka panjang pendidikan Indonesia.

  Generation Z’s quantitative potential actually opens up opportunities. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the character of Gen Z, especially their weak sides that must be strengthened, as well as their strong sides to be developed through an educational platform and ecosystem that empowers them. It could be that we need a new paradigm of education. Perhaps, one way is open through the Freedom of Learning Policy which can be seen as a breakthrough in accelerating the transformation of education. Freedom of Learning is also the philosophy that underlies the process as well as the long-term goal of Indonesian education.

Freedom of Learning as a philosophy is actually rooted in the thoughts of Ki Hajar Dewantara – our Father of Education. Independence is an educational goal as well as an educational paradigm that should be understood by all stakeholders. He said that independence is the ability to live in one’s own strength, leading to a peaceful, safe and happy life, based on the morality of human life (2013, p.480). Safety and happiness as goals are not only obtained and felt by individuals, but also collectively (Dewantara, 2013).

  He said that in education, independence has three characteristics: independent, not dependent on others, and can regulate itself. This implies that independence and efforts to always be independent are goals to be achieved through the educational process. Because of that, it is not enough just to put it in the policy. Freedom of Learning should underlie all education policies, both at the national level and in the micro context, namely classrooms to families. The Freedom of Learning Philosophy is also closely related to the concept of lifelong learning, independent learning, and a developing mindset. Research shows that this is an important capital for the future generation of young people to face the rapid development of the times. Especially in the era of VUCA and Industry 4.0. Policy documents from the OECD and UNESCO emphasize the need to prepare students for VUCA. They emphasize the socio-emotional competencies needed to cope with such conditions.

  Well, it is said that Freedom of Learning is designed to achieve long-term goals based on the philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara. In the context of education management in each region, every education provider and manager, every educator and education staff are “agents” who must be increasingly able to build themselves.

Hopefully the spirit and policy of Freedom of Learning as a breakthrough will be able to provide space for anyone mentioned above to organize and manage education in accordance with the best available capacity and resources, as well as being able to develop superior human resources. Indonesia excellent 2045. Wallahualam.

  Vivat Widyatama, Vivat Civitas Academica, Vivat Indonesia and the beloved Archipelago. (@lee)


Editor – Lili Irahali