
First Transformation

Like a newly born living being. Trying to recognize, interact, adapt to the surrounding environment, it can merge and eventually become a part and have an inseparable added value to the world

KOMUNITA Magazine, a higher education magazine was born in Bandung. Like a newborn baby. We try to identify, interact, adapt and improve ourselves so that in the end it can become an inseparable part and have added value for the higher education environment in particular and for the wider audience of readers in general.

With the spirit of change we strive to make a leap to be much better. Entering the second year of publication, In the seventh edition, entering the second year of publication, KOMUNITA magazine strives to appear more fresh, elegant, stylish, minimalist, attractive and contemporary in settings and layouts ranging from images and photos to typefaces. This was done nothing but to make us closer and accepted by the readers without having to change the context as an educational magazine.

That was the first transformation of KOMUNITA, especially in terms of logo, cover design and magazine layout.

Second Transformation

The dynamics of change in the current era are experiencing a very high acceleration due to the development of communication and information technology.

In its fourth year and entering its fifth year in issue #16, KOMUNITA is carrying out its second transformation. The transformation this time involves two things, there are: 1) strengthening. The appearance is always fresher, elegant, stylish, minimalist, with attractive and contemporary designs in settings and layouts; 2) asserted itself that KOMUNITA is an educational magazine that focuses on issues of higher education and higher education.

Higher education at the age of 63 years still faces many basic problems that require synergy in finding solutions for the benefit of the nation and future generations. The basic problem of higher education and higher education is the problem of relevance and quality which has not been encouraging. Higher education has not been able to become an important factor that is able to give birth to entrepreneurs with job creating orientation and independence. Educated unemployment from education continues to increase, the problem of community service where the Higher education is located is felt to be less responsive, and contributes to community problems. Higher education is also not fully capable of producing graduates who have noble character and strong character (Marzuki Alie).

The journey of more than half a century (63 years) has not made our higher education closer to the expectations of all parties. In this regard, we strive to be more intense in accordance with our role in building better, quality higher education and tertiary institutions, as well as contributing to society’s expectations.

We continue to try to identify, interact, adapt and improve ourselves so that in the end we can become an inseparable part and have added value for the higher education environment and higher education institutions in particular, as well as for large audiences of readers in general. We always try to be in line, synergize and strengthen each other with all the components of the nation to develop higher education and universities that we love. For that we are also present in digital format in front of you.


Third Transformation

Komunita Popular Science Community was born as an effort to respond to the policy of “Freedom of Learning, Independent Campus, Mobilizing Organizations, Motivating Teachers, Transformation of Funds for Higher Education, and Driving Schools” which essentially “collaborates to build the quality of education and graduates (based on process, output and outcome)”. Also as a form of concern to encourage enthusiasm, build a culture of research and innovation, as well as synergies with the scientific community, industrial community, and the general public. This is a crystallization of intense discussions with the Entrepreneur and Innovation Center/EIC unit of Widyatama University.

This is the form of the Third Transformation of Komunita magazine to answer the challenges faced by the world of higher education in general and Widyatama University in particular which we launched to welcome the tenth anniversary of Komunita magazine.

Research and innovation are manifestations of the universal traits of human intelligence in facing the challenges of nature and its ecosystem. Therefore, research and innovation should be inherent in humans. However, it needs to be maintained and developed in order to become complacent, so that we are not just users of existing research and innovations. Moreover, universities should actually become one of the reliable research and innovation vortexes as a result of the ideas and creations of campus scholars.

Komunita Popular Science Community give more space to lecturers and students as campus scholars in strengthening, literacy, and sharing science and technology based on academic ethics and scholarship for our common good.

We hope that the presence of Komunita magazine, and Komunita Popular Science will be more useful and develop our positive perspective on science, scholarship, and literacy. Vivat Widyatama, Vivat Civitas Academica, Vivat Indonesia and the beloved Archipelago. (lee)